English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does unsullied mean? 

UNSULLIED (adjective)
  The adjective UNSULLIED has 2 senses:

1. spotlessly clean and freshplay

2. (of reputation) free from blemishesplay

  Familiarity information: UNSULLIED used as an adjective is rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

UNSULLIED (adjective)

Sense 1


Spotlessly clean and fresh

Context example:

the unsullied snow of mountains


clean (free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits)

Sense 2


(of reputation) free from blemishes


stainless; unstained; unsullied; untainted; untarnished

Context example:

an untarnished reputation


unblemished; unmarred; unmutilated (free from physical or moral spots or stains)

 Context examples 

The beginning, however, of every visit displayed none but the properest feelings, and this being of necessity so short might be hoped to pass away in unsullied cordiality.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

I learned that the possessions most esteemed by your fellow creatures were high and unsullied descent united with riches.

(Frankenstein, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

She has spoken about my old family, and our reputation in the county, and our pride in our unsullied honour, and I always felt it was leading to the point, but somehow it turned off before we got there.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Don't burn your bridges before they're crossed." (English proverb)

"The wolf has a thick neck, because he does his job on his own." (Bulgarian proverb)

"You can't get there from here." (American proverb)

"By firelight, an old rag looks like sturdy hemp fabric." (Corsican proverb)


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