English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does transplanting mean? 

  The noun TRANSPLANTING has 1 sense:

1. the act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another locationplay

  Familiarity information: TRANSPLANTING used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


The act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions


transplant; transplantation; transplanting

Context example:

she returned to Alabama because she could not bear transplantation

Hypernyms ("transplanting" is a kind of...):

movement (the act of changing the location of something)


transplant (lift and reset in another soil or situation)

 Context examples 

Grafting or transplanting cells, tissues, or organs between genetically non-identical individuals.

(Allografting, NCI Thesaurus)

Conversely, transplanting the microbiota of high-fat-fed mice into young mice limited Prevotella and protected mice from osteomyelitis.

(Diet Affects Autoinflammatory Disease Via Gut Microbes, NIH)

Researchers have found that, by transplanting an area of damaged tissue with a combination of both heart muscle cells and supportive cells taken from the outer layer of the heart wall, they may be able to help the organs recover from the damage caused by a heart attack.

(New stem cell combination could help to repair damaged hearts, University of Cambridge)

Researchers found that transplanting the engineered pancreatic beta cells under the skin of diabetic mice led to improved tolerance and regulation of glucose, reduced hyperglycemia, and higher levels of plasma insulin when subjected to illumination with blue light.

(Researchers Develop Insulin-Producing Cells Activated by Light for Diabetes, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Transplanting the microbiota of regular-fed mutant mice to young mice boosted Prevotella levels and sped osteomyelitis.

(Diet Affects Autoinflammatory Disease Via Gut Microbes, NIH)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Hunger is the best spice." (English proverb)

"A people without a history is like the wind over buffalo grass." (Native American proverb, Sioux)

"Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire." (Arabic proverb)

"The death of one person means bread for another." (Dutch proverb)


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