English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does terrain mean? 

TERRAIN (noun)
  The noun TERRAIN has 1 sense:

1. a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potentialplay

  Familiarity information: TERRAIN used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

TERRAIN (noun)

Sense 1


A piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Context example:

they decided to attack across the rocky terrain

Hypernyms ("terrain" is a kind of...):

parcel; parcel of land; piece of ground; piece of land; tract (an extended area of land)

 Context examples 

They say that early in the planet’s history, the rain would have actually been more like fog, so it would unlikely have made much of an impact on the terrain.

(Heavy Rain May Have Once Fallen on Mars, VOA)

Other factors such as terrain and climate may have further isolated southern Africa.

(Paleontologists discover new species of sauropod dinosaur in Tanzania, National Science Foundation)

Scientists suggest that Triton, with its icy surface, bright poles, varied terrain and cryovolcanoes, is a Pluto-like object that Neptune pulled into orbit.

(NASA Pluto-Bound Spacecraft Crosses Neptune's Orbit, NASA)

The steep slopes leading down from the smooth rock layers to the rough terrain are consistent with the young age estimates.

(Evidence for Young Lunar Volcanism, NASA)

Its association with young terrains suggests the material has erupted from within Europa, but with limited data available, the material's chemical composition has remained elusive.

(NASA Research Reveals Europa's Mystery Dark Material Could Be Sea Salt, NASA)

Bennu also revealed itself to be more rugged than expected, challenging the mission team to alter its flight and sample collection plans, due to the rough terrain.

(NASA Mission Reveals Asteroid Has Big Surprises, NASA)

The researchers' proposed scenarios include uplift of the terrain and changes in sea level, or perhaps both.

(Cassini Finds Flooded Canyons on Titan, NASA)

The previous close Cassini flybys yielded high-resolution views of the bright, wispy terrain on Dione first seen during the Voyager mission.

(Cassini to Make Last Close Flyby of Saturn Moon Dione, NASA)

E. coli, for instance, inhabits the complicated terrain of the gastrointestinal tract.

(Bacteria change behavior to tackle tiny obstacle course, National Science Foundation)

The map shows that the different geologic terrains have a clear distribution with latitude, globally, and that some terrains cover far more area than others.

(The First Global Geologic Map of Titan Completed, NASA)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"We must take the bad with the good." (English proverb)

"Many have fallen with the bottle in their hand." (Native American proverb, Lakota)

"Fire is more bearable than disgrace." (Arabic proverb)

"Have no respect at table and in bed." (Corsican proverb)


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