English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does stock exchange mean? 

  The noun STOCK EXCHANGE has 1 sense:

1. an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokersplay

  Familiarity information: STOCK EXCHANGE used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


An exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects


securities market; stock exchange; stock market

Hypernyms ("stock exchange" is a kind of...):

exchange (a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members)

Domain member category:

market analyst (an analyst of conditions affecting a market (especially the stock market))

bearish (expecting prices to fall)

bullish (expecting a rise in prices)

P/E ratio; price-to-earnings ratio ((stock market) the price of a stock divided by its earnings)

pyramid ((stock market) a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases)

support level ((stock market) the price at which a certain security becomes attractive to investors)

offer price ((stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to sell a certain security)

closing price ((stock market) the price of the last transaction completed during a day's trading session)

bid price ((stock market) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security)

fundamental analysis; fundamentals analysis ((stock exchange) the use of fundamentals as an investment strategy)

technical analysis; technical analysis of stock trends ((stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "stock exchange"):

curb market (a stock market for trading in securities not listed on the New York Stock Exchange)

OTC market; over-the-counter market (a stock exchange where securities transactions are made via telephone and computer rather than on the floor of an exchange)

Instance hyponyms:

American Stock Exchange; AMEX; Curb (a stock exchange in New York)

Bourse (the stock exchange in Paris)

big board; N. Y. Stock Exchange; New York Stock Exchange; NYSE (a stock exchange in New York)

Holonyms ("stock exchange" is a member of...):

market; securities industry (the securities markets in the aggregate)

 Context examples 

Capricorn also rules big financial transactions, so you might work on the stock exchange or for a hedge fund or venture capital firm.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

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