English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does specialty mean? 

  The noun SPECIALTY has 3 senses:

1. an asset of special worth or utilityplay

2. a distinguishing traitplay

3. the special line of work you have adopted as your careerplay

  Familiarity information: SPECIALTY used as a noun is uncommon.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


An asset of special worth or utility

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects


forte; long suit; metier; speciality; specialty; strength; strong point; strong suit

Context example:

cooking is his forte

Hypernyms ("specialty" is a kind of...):

asset; plus (a useful or valuable quality)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "specialty"):

green fingers; green thumb (a special ability to make plants grow)

Sense 2


A distinguishing trait

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects


distinctiveness; peculiarity; speciality; specialness; specialty

Hypernyms ("specialty" is a kind of...):

individualism; individuality; individuation (the quality of being individual)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "specialty"):

foible; idiosyncrasy; mannerism (a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual)

Sense 3


The special line of work you have adopted as your career

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions


specialisation; specialism; speciality; specialization; specialty

Context example:

his specialization is gastroenterology

Hypernyms ("specialty" is a kind of...):

calling; career; vocation (the particular occupation for which you are trained)

 Context examples 

The medical specialty concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries, trauma, or sudden illness.

(Emergency Medicine, NCI Thesaurus)

With Uranus, it’s always what you aren’t expecting, for surprise is Uranus’ specialty.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

A dental specialty concerned with pathology of the oral cavity.

(Oral Pathology, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

The CNS is a clinical expert in theory-based and/or research-based nursing practice within a specialty area.

(Clinical Nurse Specialist, NCI Thesaurus)

A surgical specialty concerned with the surgical management of disease, disability, or injury of the upper extremity.

(Hand Surgery, NCI Thesaurus)

A surgical specialty concerned with surgical treatment of the nervous system.

(Neurosurgery, NCI Thesaurus)

Study of the anatomy of the nervous system as a specialty or discipline.

(Neuroanatomy, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

A surgical specialty that focuses on surgical management of diseases of the abdominal organs.

(General surgery, NCI Thesaurus)

A surgical specialty that focuses on surgical treatment of diseases of children.

(Pediatric Surgery, NCI Thesaurus)

A medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and management of hereditary disorders.

(Medical Genetics, NCI Thesaurus)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"He who pays the piper calls the tune." (English proverb)

"The one who tells the stories rules the world." (Native American proverb, Hopi)

"You can't escape from destiny." (Armenian proverb)

"Know what you say, but don't say all that you know." (Dutch proverb)


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