English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does seasonally mean? 

  The adverb SEASONALLY has 1 sense:

1. depending on the seasonplay

  Familiarity information: SEASONALLY used as an adverb is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


Depending on the season

Context example:

prices are seasonally adjusted


seasonal (occurring at or dependent on a particular season)

 Context examples 

Marine life in the tropical western Pacific is even more vulnerable to these changes because of a seasonally stable environment.

(Pacific island fish migrating to cooler seas, SciDev.Net)

There was some seasonally driven change in the surface liquids.

(Cassini Reveals Surprises with Titan's Lakes, NASA)

Planetary scientists think these gullies or recurring slope lineae (RSLs) may appear seasonally as a form of briny water at or near the surface of the Red Planet under warmer conditions.

(NASA Weighs Use of Rover to Image Potential Mars Water Sites, NASA)

Forests in seasonally snow-covered areas serve as key CO2 sinks, thanks to the natural processes by which trees take in carbon.

(Earlier snowmelt decreases streamflow, reduces forests' ability to regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide, NSF)

Previous papers have documented how background levels of the gas seem to rise and fall seasonally.

(Curiosity Detects Unusually High Methane Levels, NASA)

The initial discovery of M. moyowamkia happened in 2004, when part of the skeleton was discovered high in a cliff wall overlooking the seasonally dry Mtuka riverbed, with excavations continuing through 2008.

(New dinosaur with heart-shaped tail offers clues to evolution of Africa's ecosystems, National Science Foundation)

The team was surprised to discover higher-than-expected concentrations of colubroid snakes, suggesting the local environment was more open and seasonally dry, thus more hospitable to these types of active hunting snakes that don't require cover to ambush prey like boas and pythons do.

(Researchers find oldest fossil evidence of modern African venomous snakes, NSF)

On the way, the route would allow the one-ton rover to capture images of the potential water sites from miles away and see if any are the seasonally changing type.

(NASA Weighs Use of Rover to Image Potential Mars Water Sites, NASA)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Practice makes perfect." (English proverb)

"Fun and pleasure are located below the navel; dispute and trouble are also located there." (Bhutanese proverb)

"Don't take any wooden nickels." (American proverb)

"Dress up a stick and it’ll be a beautiful bride." (Egyptian proverb)


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