English Dictionary


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IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does Rangoon mean? 

RANGOON (noun)
  The noun RANGOON has 1 sense:

1. the capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south near the Irrawaddy river deltaplay

  Familiarity information: RANGOON used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

RANGOON (noun)

Sense 1


The capital and largest city of Myanmar; located in the south near the Irrawaddy river delta

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position


Rangoon; Yangon

Instance hypernyms:

national capital (the capital city of a nation)

Holonyms ("Rangoon" is a part of...):

Burma; Myanmar; Union of Burma (a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day." (English proverb)

"When there are too many carpenters, the door cannot be erected." (Bhutanese proverb)

"Stupidity is a disease without a medicine." (Arabic proverb)

"Think before acting and whilst acting still think." (Dutch proverb)


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