English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does perineal mean? 

PERINEAL (adjective)
  The adjective PERINEAL has 1 sense:

1. of or relating to the perineumplay

  Familiarity information: PERINEAL used as an adjective is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

PERINEAL (adjective)

Sense 1


Of or relating to the perineum

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)

Context example:

perineal pains


perineum (the general region between the anus and the genital organs)


perineum (the general region between the anus and the genital organs)

 Context examples 

Clinical presentation includes complaints of back and abdominal pain, urinary frequency, perineal pain and constipation.

(Pelvic Lipomatosis, NCI Thesaurus)

Painful sensation in the perineal area.

(Perineal Pain, NCI Thesaurus)

The protrusion in the perineal area during the second stage of labor.

(Bulging Perineum, NCI Thesaurus)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"The drunk ones will sober up, but the mad ones will not clever up" (Breton proverb)

"Don't ask the singer to sing until he wishes to sing by himself." (Arabic proverb)

"An understanding person needs only half a word." (Dutch proverb)


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