English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does palatal mean? 

PALATAL (noun)
  The noun PALATAL has 1 sense:

1. a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word 'yeast')play

  Familiarity information: PALATAL used as a noun is very rare.

PALATAL (adjective)
  The adjective PALATAL has 2 senses:

1. relating to or lying near the palateplay

2. produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as 'y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as 'ch' in 'chin' or 'j' in 'gin')play

  Familiarity information: PALATAL used as an adjective is rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

PALATAL (noun)

Sense 1


A semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word 'yeast')

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("palatal" is a kind of...):

glide; semivowel (a vowellike sound that serves as a consonant)


palatal (produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as 'y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as 'ch' in 'chin' or 'j' in 'gin'))

PALATAL (adjective)

Sense 1


Relating to or lying near the palate

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


palatal; palatine

Context example:

the palatine tonsils


palate (the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities)


palate (the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities)

Sense 2


Produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as 'y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as 'ch' in 'chin' or 'j' in 'gin')


palatal; palatalised; palatalized


soft ((of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as 's' and 'sh'))


palatal (a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word 'yeast'))

 Context examples 

Excision of the apical portion of a tooth root through an opening made in the overlying labial, buccal, lingual, or palatal alveolar bone.

(Apicoectomy, NCI Thesaurus)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"To the man behave like a man, to the dog behave like a dog." (Albanian proverb)

"Luck in the sky and brains in the ground." (Arabic proverb)

"The innkeeper trusts his guests like he is himself" (Dutch proverb)


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