English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does nutritionary mean? 

NUTRITIONARY (adjective)
  The adjective NUTRITIONARY has 1 sense:

1. of or relating to or providing nutritionplay

  Familiarity information: NUTRITIONARY used as an adjective is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

NUTRITIONARY (adjective)

Sense 1


Of or relating to or providing nutrition

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


nutritional; nutritionary

Context example:

nutritional information


nutrition ((physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance)


nutrition (the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans))

nutrition (a source of materials to nourish the body)

nutrition ((physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance)

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"Silence is the sign of approval." (Arabic proverb)

"One bird in your hand is better than ten on the roof." (Danish proverb)


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