English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does novation mean? 

  The noun NOVATION has 1 sense:

1. (law) the replacement of one obligation by another by mutual agreement of both parties; usually the replacement of one of the original parties to a contract with the consent of the remaining partyplay

  Familiarity information: NOVATION used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


(law) the replacement of one obligation by another by mutual agreement of both parties; usually the replacement of one of the original parties to a contract with the consent of the remaining party

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("novation" is a kind of...):

replacement; replacing (the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another)

Domain category:

jurisprudence; law (the collection of rules imposed by authority)


novate (replace with something new, especially an old obligation by a new one)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Home is where you hang your hat." (English proverb)

"Cherish youth, but trust old age." (Native American proverb, Pueblo)

"You are as many a person as the languages you know." (Armenian proverb)

"Think before acting and whilst acting still think." (Dutch proverb)


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