English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does no man's land mean? 

NO MAN'S LAND (noun)
  The noun NO MAN'S LAND has 3 senses:

1. an unoccupied area between the front lines of opposing armiesplay

2. land that is unowned and uninhabited (and usually undesirable)play

3. the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both)play

  Familiarity information: NO MAN'S LAND used as a noun is uncommon.

 Dictionary entry details 

NO MAN'S LAND (noun)

Sense 1


An unoccupied area between the front lines of opposing armies

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Hypernyms ("no man's land" is a kind of...):

area; country (a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography))

Sense 2


Land that is unowned and uninhabited (and usually undesirable)

Classified under:

Nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession

Hypernyms ("no man's land" is a kind of...):

land (the land on which real estate is located)

Sense 3


The ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both)

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects


no man's land; twilight zone

Context example:

in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression

Hypernyms ("no man's land" is a kind of...):

ambiguity; equivocalness (unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning)

 Context examples 

Wary and careful they must be, with watchful eyes to the right and the left, for this was no man's land, and their only passports were those which hung from their belts.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"A lie's legs are short." (Bulgarian proverb)

"Journey and you will find replacement to the ones left behind." (Arabic proverb)

"If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is." (Egyptian proverb)


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