English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 


KLEE (noun)
  The noun KLEE has 1 sense:

1. Swiss painter influenced by Kandinsky (1879-1940)play

  Familiarity information: KLEE used as a noun is very rare.

English dictionary: Word details

KLEE (noun)

Sense 1


Swiss painter influenced by Kandinsky (1879-1940)

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people


Klee; Paul Klee

Instance hypernyms:

painter (an artist who paints)

 Context examples 

"We identified the important factors that have been lost and showed how to move them back into modern types of tomatoes," Klee said.

(Scientists develop genetic path to tastier tomatoes, NSF)

Klee likened this to how different versions of genes in humans influence traits such as height, weight and hair color.

(Scientists develop genetic path to tastier tomatoes, NSF)

Next, Klee said, they asked: "What's wrong with modern tomatoes?"

(Scientists develop genetic path to tastier tomatoes, NSF)

Step one for UF/IFAS horticultural scientist Harry Klee and his colleagues involved finding out which of the hundreds of chemicals in a tomato contribute the most to taste.

(Scientists develop genetic path to tastier tomatoes, NSF)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body." (English proverb)

"It is good for somebody as well as bad for someone else." (Bengali proverb)

"Your tongue is your horseĀ— if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you betray it, betrays it will." (Arabic proverb)

"He who takes no chances wins nothing." (Danish proverb)


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