English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play


GIOTTO (noun)
  The noun GIOTTO has 1 sense:

1. Florentine painter who gave up the stiff Byzantine style and developed a more naturalistic style; considered the greatest Italian painter prior to the Renaissance (1267-1337)play

  Familiarity information: GIOTTO used as a noun is very rare.

English dictionary: Word details

GIOTTO (noun)

Sense 1


Florentine painter who gave up the stiff Byzantine style and developed a more naturalistic style; considered the greatest Italian painter prior to the Renaissance (1267-1337)

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people


Giotto; Giotto di Bondone

Instance hypernyms:

architect; designer (someone who creates plans to be used in making something (such as buildings))

old master (a great European painter prior to 19th century)

 Context examples 

And I have seen the aged Giotto, and he in turn was pupil to Cimabue, before whom there was no art in Italy, for the Greeks were brought to paint the chapel of the Gondi at Florence.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." (English proverb)

"Do not wrong or hate your neighbor for it is not he that you wrong but yourself." (Native American proverb, Pima)

"The stingy has a big porch and little morality." (Arabic proverb)

"Knowledge is in the head, not the copybook." (Egyptian proverb)


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