English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does family Ranunculaceae mean? 

  The noun FAMILY RANUNCULACEAE has 1 sense:

1. a family of Ranunculaceaeplay

  Familiarity information: FAMILY RANUNCULACEAE used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


A family of Ranunculaceae

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants


buttercup family; crowfoot family; family Ranunculaceae; Ranunculaceae

Hypernyms ("family Ranunculaceae" is a kind of...):

magnoliid dicot family (family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms)

Meronyms (members of "family Ranunculaceae"):

Consolida; genus Consolida (plants having flowers resembling the larkspur's but differing from larkspur's in the arrangement of petals; sometimes included in genus Delphinium)

genus Trollius; Trollius (perennial herbs of north temperate regions: globeflowers)

genus Trautvetteria; Trautvetteria (small genus of perennial herbs: false bugbane)

genus Thalictrum; Thalictrum (widely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue)

genus Pulsatilla; Pulsatilla (includes a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone: pasqueflowers)

genus Nigella (erect annual Eurasian herbs)

genus Laccopetalum; Laccopetalum (one species: giant buttercup)

genus Isopyrum; Isopyrum (tufted perennial herbs of northern hemisphere)

genus Hydrastis; Hydrastis (small genus of perennial herbs having rhizomes and palmate leaves and small solitary flowers; of northeastern United States and Japan)

genus Hepatica (small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemone)

genus Helleborus; Helleborus (a genus of Helleborus)

Eranthis; genus Eranthis (winter aconite)

genus Delphinium (large genus of chiefly perennial erect branching herbs of north temperate regions some poisonous)

Coptis; genus Coptis (small genus of low perennial herbs having yellow rhizomes and white or yellow flowers)

genus Clematis (large genus of deciduous or evergreen woody vines or erect herbs)

Cimicifuga; genus Cimicifuga (small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions: bugbane)

Caltha; genus Caltha (a genus of Caltha)

genus Aquilegia (columbine)

Anemonella; genus Anemonella (one species: rue anemone)

genus Anemone (perennial herbs with tuberous roots and beautiful flowers; of north and south temperate regions)

Adonis; genus Adonis (annual or perennial herbs)

Actaea; genus Actaea (baneberry)

Aconitum; genus Aconitum (genus of poisonous plants of temperate regions of northern hemisphere with a vaulted and enlarged petal)

genus Ranunculus; Ranunculus (annual, biennial or perennial herbs: buttercup; crowfoot)

Holonyms ("family Ranunculaceae" is a member of...):

order Ranales; order Ranunculales; Ranales; Ranunculales (herbs, shrubs and trees: includes families Ranunculaceae; Annonaceae; Berberidaceae; Magnoliaceae; Menispermaceae; Myristicaceae; Nymphaeaceae; Lardizabalaceae; Lauraceae; Calycanthaceae; Ceratophyllaceae; Cercidiphyllaceae)

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