English Dictionary


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IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does diastolic mean? 

DIASTOLIC (adjective)
  The adjective DIASTOLIC has 1 sense:

1. of or relating to a diastole or happening during a diastoleplay

  Familiarity information: DIASTOLIC used as an adjective is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

DIASTOLIC (adjective)

Sense 1


Of or relating to a diastole or happening during a diastole

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


diastole (the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood)


diastole (the widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood)

 Context examples 

The result is a decrease in resting and exercise heart rates, cardiac output, and in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, thereby resulting in vasodilation, and negative chronotropic and inotropic cardiac effects.

(Labetalol, NCI Thesaurus)

The increase in the myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity well account for the diastolic dysfunction of model animals as well as human patients of HCM.

(Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)

An increase in diastolic pressure (the bottom number) was associated with a 23% higher risk of a hypertensive disorder, compared to women who had a decrease in diastolic pressure during this time.

(Elevated blood pressure in first trimester increases risk for blood pressure disorder later in pregnancy, National Institutes of Health)

Usually the systolic number comes before or above the diastolic number.

(High Blood Pressure, NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)

The fraction of the left ventricular end diastolic volume ejected with each beat.

(Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction, NCI Thesaurus)

EXAMPLE(S): A single blood pressure observation has two results, typeCode = "systolic" and typeCode = "diastolic".

(Performed Observation Result Type Code, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)

The systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the newborn upon examination; the normal range of the systolic blood pressure is 60 - 90, while the normal range of the diastolic blood pressure is 20-60.

(Newborn Blood Pressure, NCI Thesaurus)

A symptomatic decrease in baseline systolic or diastolic blood pressure in a pregnant woman that requires intervention.

(Maternal Hypotension, NCI Thesaurus)

The diastolic pressure is generally greater than 130 mm Hg.

(Malignant Hypertension, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

Murmurs are characterized according to the area of generation (mitral, aortic, tricuspid, or pulmonary) and according to the period of the cycle (systolic or diastolic).

(Heart Murmur, NCI Thesaurus)

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"The mule needs spanking, and the bull a yoke." (Albanian proverb)

"God helps those who help themselves." (Arabic proverb)

"No news is good news." (Dutch proverb)


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