English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does cosmopolitan mean? 

  The noun COSMOPOLITAN has 1 sense:

1. a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countriesplay

  Familiarity information: COSMOPOLITAN used as a noun is very rare.

COSMOPOLITAN (adjective)
  The adjective COSMOPOLITAN has 3 senses:

1. growing or occurring in many parts of the worldplay

2. composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interestsplay

3. of worldwide scope or applicabilityplay

  Familiarity information: COSMOPOLITAN used as an adjective is uncommon.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


A sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people


cosmopolitan; cosmopolite

Hypernyms ("cosmopolitan" is a kind of...):

man of the world; sophisticate (a worldly-wise person)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "cosmopolitan"):

globetrotter; world traveler (someone who travels widely and often)

COSMOPOLITAN (adjective)

Sense 1


Growing or occurring in many parts of the world


cosmopolitan; widely distributed

Context example:

cosmopolitan in distribution

Domain category:

bionomics; ecology; environmental science (the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment)


endemic (native to or confined to a certain region)

Sense 2


Composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests

Context example:

that queer, cosmopolitan, rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks


traveled; travelled (familiar with many parts of the world)


provincial (characteristic of the provinces or their people)

Sense 3


Of worldwide scope or applicability


cosmopolitan; ecumenical; general; oecumenical; universal; world-wide; worldwide

Context example:

universal experience


comprehensive (including all or everything)

 Context examples 

The incredibly interesting and unique biota that occurred on this island was totally eradicated at some point as the island reconnected to mainland Eurasia and more cosmopolitan animals were able to access it.

(Fossil discovery adds to understanding of how geological changes affected evolution of mammalian life, National Science Foundation)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day." (English proverb)

"Speak not of what you have read, but about what you have understood." (Azerbaijani proverb)

"Three feet of ice does not result from one day of freezing weather." (Chinese proverb)

"Long live the headdress, because hats come and go." (Corsican proverb)


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