English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does Charadrii mean? 

  The noun CHARADRII has 1 sense:

1. shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlewsplay

  Familiarity information: CHARADRII used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


Shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlews

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals


Charadrii; suborder Charadrii

Hypernyms ("Charadrii" is a kind of...):

animal order (the order of animals)

Meronyms (members of "Charadrii"):

limicoline bird; shore bird; shorebird (any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries)

Charadriidae; family Charadriidae (plover family)

family Scolopacidae; Scolopacidae (sandpiper family: sandpipers; woodcocks; snipes; tattlers; curlews; godwits; dowitchers)

genus Himantopus; Himantopus (major one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills)

Cladorhyncus; genus Cladorhyncus (one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills)

family Recurvirostridae; Recurvirostridae (long-legged shorebirds)

family Haematopodidae; Haematopodidae (oystercatchers)

family Phalaropidae; Phalaropidae (phalaropes)

family Glareolidae; Glareolidae (Old World shorebirds: pratincoles and coursers)

Burhinidae; family Burhinidae (large wading birds resembling the plovers: stone curlews)

Holonyms ("Charadrii" is a member of...):

Charadriiformes; order Charadriiformes (large diverse order of aquatic birds found along seacoasts and inland waters: shorebirds and coastal diving birds; most feed on anima life)

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