English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does catmint mean? 

CATMINT (noun)
  The noun CATMINT has 1 sense:

1. hairy aromatic perennial herb having whorls of small white purple-spotted flowers in a terminal spike; used in the past as a domestic remedy; strongly attractive to catsplay

  Familiarity information: CATMINT used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

CATMINT (noun)

Sense 1


Hairy aromatic perennial herb having whorls of small white purple-spotted flowers in a terminal spike; used in the past as a domestic remedy; strongly attractive to cats

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants


catmint; catnip; Nepeta cataria

Hypernyms ("catmint" is a kind of...):

herb; herbaceous plant (a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests)

Holonyms ("catmint" is a member of...):

genus Nepeta; Nepeta (catmint)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"Never reveal all that you know to others: They might become shrewder than you." (Bhutanese proverb)

"Every person is observant to the flaws of others and blind to his own flaws." (Arabic proverb)

"He who has money and friends, turns his nose at justice." (Corsican proverb)


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