English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does cacao mean? 

CACAO (noun)
  The noun CACAO has 1 sense:

1. tropical American tree producing cacao beansplay

  Familiarity information: CACAO used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

CACAO (noun)

Sense 1


Tropical American tree producing cacao beans

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants


cacao; cacao tree; chocolate tree; Theobroma cacao

Hypernyms ("cacao" is a kind of...):

angiospermous tree; flowering tree (any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "cacao"):

cacao bean; cocoa bean (seed of the cacao tree; ground roasted beans are source of chocolate)

Holonyms ("cacao" is a member of...):

genus Theobroma; Theobroma (cacao plants)

 Context examples 

Autonomous recorders set up at 34 locations in the Adelbert Mountains of Papua New Guinea covered sites ranging from pristine forests to small cacao farms.

(Scientists record the sound of intact forest, SciDev.Net)

"The research provides insights into how cacao trees defend themselves against pathogens — and may help more cacao end up in our chocolate instead of destroyed by fungal disease."

(New way to identify disease-resistant genes in chocolate-producing trees, National Science Foundation)

The UGR researchers note that the (mainly phenolic) compounds contained in the fruit of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) offer a range health benefits.

(Scientists identify bioactive compounds in cacao pods to develop drugs to combat skeletal disorders, University of Granada)

Chocolate-producing cacao trees that are resistant to a major pathogen were identified by an international team of plant geneticists.

(New way to identify disease-resistant genes in chocolate-producing trees, National Science Foundation)

The focus of the study was the tropical tree Theobroma cacao, the source of chocolate.

(New way to identify disease-resistant genes in chocolate-producing trees, National Science Foundation)

Bolstering cacao's resistance to disease is the most efficient and environmentally friendly approach for disease management, Guiltinan said.

(New way to identify disease-resistant genes in chocolate-producing trees, National Science Foundation)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"The day without work, the night without sleep." (Albanian proverb)

"He fasted for a whole year and then broke his fast with an onion." (Arabic proverb)

"He whom the shoe fits should put it on." (Dutch proverb)


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