English Dictionary |
BURRY (burrier, burriest)
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Dictionary entry overview: What does burry mean?
• BURRY (adjective)
The adjective BURRY has 1 sense:
1. having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.
Familiarity information: BURRY used as an adjective is very rare.
Dictionary entry details
Sense 1
Having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.
barbed; barbellate; briary; briery; bristled; bristly; burred; burry; prickly; setaceous; setose; spiny; thorny
Context example:
setaceous whiskers
armed ((used of plants and animals) furnished with bristles and thorns)
burr (seed vessel having hooks or prickles)
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