English Dictionary


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IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does Attica mean? 

ATTICA (noun)
  The noun ATTICA has 1 sense:

1. the territory of Athens in ancient Greece where the Ionic dialect was spokenplay

  Familiarity information: ATTICA used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

ATTICA (noun)

Sense 1


The territory of Athens in ancient Greece where the Ionic dialect was spoken

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position

Instance hypernyms:

district; dominion; territorial dominion; territory (a region marked off for administrative or other purposes)

Holonyms ("Attica" is a part of...):

Ellas; Greece; Hellenic Republic (a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula; known for grapes and olives and olive oil)

 Context examples 

Eight weeks passed away like this, and I had written about Abbots and Archery and Armour and Architecture and Attica, and hoped with diligence that I might get on to the B’s before very long.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"A chain is no stronger than its weakest link." (English proverb)

"Pity without help does little good" (Breton proverb)

"A weaning baby that does not cry aloud, will die on its mothers back." (Zimbabwean proverb)

"The pen is mightier than the sword." (Dutch proverb)


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