English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does aptly mean? 

APTLY (adverb)
  The adverb APTLY has 1 sense:

1. with competence; in a competent capable mannerplay

  Familiarity information: APTLY used as an adverb is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

APTLY (adverb)

Sense 1


With competence; in a competent capable manner


ably; aptly; capably; competently

Context example:

they worked competently


apt (mentally quick and resourceful)

 Context examples 

You have a dry, hacking cough—the sort Mr.—er—Haythorne so aptly described.

(Love of Life and Other Stories, by Jack London)

Three new species of fish, aptly named Pink, Purple and Blue for their coloring, have been found at the bottom of one of the deepest parts of the Pacific Ocean.

(Three New Species of Fish Found at Bottom of Pacific Ocean, VOA)

The bees are dying in massive numbers and it is mostly caused by a parasite aptly named Varroa destructor, but in a new study, researchers presented mushrooms as evidence for a surprising solution to DWV.

(Mushroom Extract Could Help Save Bees from Virus, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Fine feathers make fine birds." (English proverb)

"With a spade of gold and a hoe of silver even the mountains rock and sway." (Albanian proverb)

"However much fruit a tree gives, it humbles its head that much more." (Armenian proverb)

"Think before you begin." (Dutch proverb)


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